It should be easy, but unlocking the feature to add a friend on Steam requires one of two things. The first one is spending money on Steam; the second one is having another person add you as a friend.

Đang xem: How to add a friend on steam? 3 easy ways

New Steam users have “limited” accounts. Users who haven’t spent any money on the platform also have “limited” accounts. By that, I mean some features are missing, such as the ability to add a friend on Steam.

This doesn’t affect the Family Library Sharing feature on Steam. You share your library of games with new and limited users via this feature. As such, we’re covering how to add a friend to Steam Family Sharing as well.

What Do I Need to Add a Friend on Steam?

You can only add friends on Steam after spending $5 on the Steam store (at least).

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Otherwise, Steam limits the feature.Alternatively, you can also add friends if someone else first adds you to their Friends list. Steam offers a unique system to do just that.

How to Add a Friend on Steam?

There’re three ways to add a friend on Steam:

By Quick Invite LinkBy codeBy username

However, the platform offers a single option to add “limited” users, the Quick Invite link.

Add a Friend on Steam by Quick Invite Link:

New users, users without friends, or users who haven’t spent money on Steam have limited accounts. Use the custom link method to add them as friends.

Go to the “Friends” menu


Can I Gift a Game to a New User?

To gift a game to someone, you’d have to add them as a friend first. You can do that using the Quick Invite link.

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Can New Users Receive a Game as a Gift?

New users can receive games as a gift. They can also receive it via steam gift-card.

What’s the Difference Between Steam Username and Steam User Account Name?

The username is what others see and find you. Often, the user name is the email you used to open the account without the “

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